About Me

East Ayton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
A group of ladies who enjoy traditional embroidery but who meet once a month to try some experimental work. We meet at Ayton Village Hall on the third Thursday in the month for a full day and again on the first Thursday for half a day. We currently have a waiting list of people who want to join us.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

August Meeting

We got the Lutradur out today to have a look at how you can use it.  We started with a small square to which we added some strips of tissue paper to create a different surface.  We then painted the whole, also adding moulding paste or expandaprint or both, through a stencil.  These were then treated with a heat gun to burn away the lutradur.  Here are some of the pieces that were produced:

I am not sure who's was who's so I won't put any names to them in case I get it wrong.  Some of these turned out really interesting it was a pity we didn't have time to wait for moulding paste to dry properly but everyone got the idea of what you can do.

I think most people are ready to start a new topic so we are thinking about poems, postcards and inspiration for the main body of work.

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